What are the Preventive Measures You Can Take for Cyclone?

If you have experienced a natural disaster before, you will be aware of the damage it can cause. Such disasters have the ability to cause significant destruction to your property and might also lead to financial loss. These things won’t be good for your mental health as well. One of the most well-known natural disasters, i.e. cyclones is not easy to control. Heavy downpours, storm surges, and strong winds are three components of a cyclone that cause destruction, particularly if you fail to take enough preventive measures.

The best thing that you can always do is stay prepared for such events. It is a fact that when a natural disaster like a severe cyclonic storm takes place, individuals are unsure of what to do. They also do not know the precautionary steps they can take to stay prepared for such an event. Here are the preventive measures you can take for cyclones.

1.  Steps to Take Before a Cyclone

Staying prepared for a cyclone is important if you want to minimise the damage. Here are the steps you can take before the event:

  • Confirm your home is in good structural condition.
  • Keep the doors and windows sealed off.
  • Trim down all the trees to guarantee they do not fall over the electricity or telephone lines.
  • Store important items such as medicines and groceries well in advance. Dry, non-perishable foods are crucial during emergency situations.
  • Create an emergency first-aid kit.
  • Keep water handy in case the water supply is disturbed during and after the cyclone.
  • Refrain from leaving any of the loose objects lying around in your home.
  • Stay clear of the demolished buildings.

2.  Actions to Take During the Cyclone

It is equally important to take some actions during a cyclone to minimise the damage.

  • Stay informed of the official cyclone warning.
  • Install things like storm shutters.
  • Ensure all the windows and doors are closed.
  • Take adequate care of the children and adults who require attention.
  • Turn off the electrical mains in your residence.
  • Keep your vehicles parked in the underneath a solid shelter.
  • In case you are asked to evacuate, move to a space that is built on higher grounds.
  • Stay away from rumours and avoid panicking.
  • Avoid driving immediately after the cyclone since the roads will be slippery thanks to the heavy downpours.

Moreover, ensure your emergency kit has all the items that a Pantry List site recommends.

3.  Things to do After the Cyclone

After the cyclone, the chances of diseases spreading increase thanks to things like stagnant water. This is why you should do the following things after a cyclone:

  • Try to consume fresh, dry food and remember to keep it away from flies as well as pests.
  • Remember to boil water before proceeding with cooking or drinking.
  • Use adequate disinfectants to ensure your surroundings are clean.
  • Keep the drain holes covered to reduce the chances of backflow of sewage.
  • Get rid of debris.
  • Stay inside the shelter until it is confirmed that moving outside is safe.
  • Carefully drive your vehicle once the roads are safe.

Wrapping Up

It is highly important to prepare for a natural disaster like a cyclone to minimise the damage. Apart from taking some preventive measures, you will also need to do some things during and after the cyclone. Take the actions mentioned in this article to ensure maximum safety.

Cyclone Safety 101: How to Protect Your Family and Home from Tropical Storms

Cyclones, also recognised as typhoons or hurricanes, are one of nature’s most mighty and destructive forces. Such intense storm systems, defined by vicious winds and heavy rainfall, have the ability to pose major threats to your life and your property. For people living in cyclone-prone regions, being prepared is a necessity. You must take some safety measures to ensure storms do not do any harm to your family and your home. 


To make the best decisions, you must stay informed and proactive to minimise the risks as much as possible. You not only need adequate but also proper tools. A step-by-step plan is very critical as every step will play a major role in ensuring your family’s well-being. In this guide, we will go over Cyclone Safety 101: how to protect your family and home from tropical storms. 

  • Learn About Cyclone


Before doing anything, it is ideal to fully understand what a cyclone is. In simple terms, they are intense storm systems that often develop over warm ocean waters. This natural disaster is defined by their wind speed, and once they intensify, they are able to bring heavy rainfall and storm surges. Such storm surges can lead to serious coastal flooding. Staying informed about cyclone alerts and warnings through meteorological authorities is vital for ensuring safety. Furthermore, it is important to understand the Saffir-Simpson scale as that categorises cyclones from category 1 to 5 and offers insights into the severity of the storm. 

1. Prepare Your Home


Before a cyclone takes place, it is essential to secure your home so that the damage is minimised. For instance, you should reinforce doors and windows, secure loose objects, and elevate valuable items to safeguard them from floodwaters. Furthermore, having a generator as well as appropriate supplies, including non-perishable food and water, is important in case there is a power outage. It will also help a lot if you have limited access to the resources during the cycle and afterwards. A well-prepared and thought-out evaluation plan is also essential to let your family members know what to do in case of an emergency situation

2. Plan the Safety of Your Family


A family safety plan is a foundation not only for preparing for the cyclone but also for other natural disasters like earthquakes. Without a plan, you will have a hard time ensuring the safety of your family. A plan like this should include evacuation routes, communication strategies, named meeting points. It is important that each and every family member knows about the plan and understands it. They should also know their role and how to execute it. Furthermore, you should also designate an area in your home for safety. It should be ideal for taking shelter during the cyclone. Also, establish a communication plan that includes contact numbers to make sure that every person can check in and confirm that they are safe. 

3. Keep an Emergency Kit


To prepare for a cyclone, there is hardly anything more important than an emergency kit. The kit should include things like first aid items, batteries, flashlights, vital documents, important prescription medications, etc. You should also periodically check and update the kit according to requirements. Ensure all the items are working properly and are not expired. A kit like that will be valuable and will prove to be a lifesaver during and after the cyclone. It ensures that your family has all the required things to deal with power outages as well as disturbances in regular services. 

4. Staying Informed and Alert


It is very important to stay aware of the progress and the impact of the cyclone. Meteorological authorities always issue alerts and warnings, and you should be paying close attention to that. Additionally, getting a battery-powered weather radio can help you stay aware of the real-time information of the cyclone’s path and its intensity. Staying informed and alert means knowing the cyclone’s path, but it also means having adequate knowledge about the local evacuation shelters as well as routes. It will be the key to ensuring your family’s safety during the cyclone. 


Wrapping Up

There is no better way to minimise the damage of a cyclone than by staying proactive throughout the process. It includes understanding cyclones, taking safety measures, maintaining a survival kit, and staying informed about the happenings. Following the tips from this article will help you safeguard your family and ensure their well-being.


Emergency Survival Kit: What to Pack to Weather the Storm

According to official reports, at least four out of five Australians have experienced some kind of natural disaster. Natural disasters and emergencies can strike without warning, leaving individuals and communities vulnerable and in need of immediate assistance. Therefore, it is important to have a well-equipped emergency survival kit for weathering the storm and ensuring the safety and well-being of yourself and your loved ones during a crisis. You must read on below to understand the key items to include in an emergency survival kit, providing you with the tools and resources needed to be prepared for any unforeseen event.

1. Water and Food Supplies: Hydration and Sustenance

The first and foremost thing you must keep in your survival kit is water as it is important to stay hydrated throughout the process. You must aim to pack at least one gallon of water per person per day to cover drinking and basic hygiene needs. Non-perishable food items such as canned goods, energy bars, dried fruits, and nuts are essential for sustaining energy during emergencies. Keep a manual can opener to access canned foods.

2. First Aid Kit: Basic Medical Care

Next, you need to be prepared to treat any minor injuries or cuts during a disaster. Thus, it is important to pack a well-stocked first aid kit to provide basic medical care during emergencies. You must include items such as bandages, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, gauze pads, pain relievers, scissors, tweezers, and any necessary prescription medications. Additionally, you should add a first aid manual to guide you through treatment procedures.

3. Flashlights and Batteries: Illuminating the Darkness

If there is a power outage during a natural disaster, you will be sitting in the dark. Thus, it is impotent to include flashlights in your emergency survival kit. You must include a sturdy LED flashlight or headlamp and pack extra batteries to ensure long-lasting illumination. Battery-powered lanterns or glow sticks can also be useful for lighting up larger areas.

4. Multi-tool and Basic Tools: Versatile Utility

It is also a good idea to include a multi-tool or Swiss Army knife to serve multiple functions, such as cutting, opening cans, and more. Also, include basic tools like pliers, a wrench, and a screwdriver for small repair tasks that may arise during emergencies.

5. Whistle and Signalling Devices: Calling for Help

A loud whistle can be used to signal for help if you are trapped or need assistance. Additionally, consider including a mirror or brightly coloured cloth for signalling your location to rescuers or passing aircraft.

6. Warmth and Shelter: Protection from the Elements

In case of displacement or evacuation, it is essential to have items that provide warmth and shelter. You must pack lightweight emergency blankets, ponchos, and a compact tent or tarp to shield yourself from rain, wind, or extreme temperatures.

7. Personal Hygiene Items: Sanitation and Comfort

It is also important to maintain personal hygiene to prevent the spread of diseases during emergencies. Pack items such as hand sanitiser, wet wipes, tissue paper, soap, and feminine hygiene products. Also, include a small supply of disposable bags for waste disposal.

8. Communication Devices: Staying Connected

You should also include a battery-powered or hand-crank radio to stay informed about emergency updates and instructions. Keep spare batteries or consider a solar-powered radio for extended use.



Read more about what communication devices you should keep in your emergency survival kit on the Pantry List site.

9. Cash and Important Documents: Financial and Identity Security

Lastly, you must keep a stash of cash in small denominations, as ATMs and credit card machines may not be operational during emergencies. It is a good idea to store important documents such as identification, insurance policies, medical records, and contact information in a waterproof container.


Thus, an emergency survival kit is an invaluable resource in times of crisis, providing you with the essential tools needed to weather the storm and ensure your and your family’s safety. You must also regularly check and update your kit, considering the specific needs of your family members, pets, and local climate. By being well-prepared with an emergency survival kit, you empower yourself to face unexpected challenges and navigate through natural disasters with greater resilience and peace of mind. Remember, preparedness is the key to effectively weathering the storm.



Staying Safe During Earthquakes: Dos and Don’ts for Survival

When the tectonic plates shift beneath the Earth’s surface, it results in an earthquake. They can strike without warning, causing widespread destruction and posing serious risks to human life and property. Thus, it is important to stay prepared and know what to do during an earthquake to stay safe and prevent any injuries to you and your family members. To learn more about the dos and don’ts for staying safe during earthquakes, you can read below to help you be better prepared for such seismic events.

Dos for Earthquake Survival

1. Drop, Cover, and Hold On

As soon as you start feeling the shaking of an earthquake, you must remember the essential safety mantra – “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.” Drop to your hands and knees to prevent being knocked over. Then take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, such as a table or desk, to protect yourself from falling objects and debris. Hold on to the furniture’s legs to maintain cover during the shaking.

2. Find Safe Spots

If you cannot find cover under furniture, you must identify safe spots away from windows, glass doors, and exterior walls. You should crouch against an interior wall and then protect your head and neck with your arms. Then stay clear of heavy furniture or objects that could topple over.

3. Stay Indoors

If you are inside a building during an earthquake, you must avoid running outside. Falling debris and glass from shattered windows can pose significant risks. Instead, stay indoors until the shaking stops and it is safe to exit the building.

4. Shut Off Gas and Utilities

Next, if you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, turn off the gas supply immediately. Additionally, after the shaking stops, check for damaged gas lines and leaks. Be cautious when using matches, lighters, or any open flames until you are sure there are no gas leaks. Also, consider shutting off other utilities if there is damage to prevent further hazards.

Don’ts for Earthquake Survival


1. Don’t Panic

As frightening as earthquakes can be, it is important that you remain calm. Panic can cloud your judgement and lead to risky decisions.

2. Don’t Use Elevators

You must also avoid using elevators during an earthquake or immediately after one. They may become stuck or malfunction during seismic activity.

3. Don’t Run Outside

It is also important that you avoid running outside while the building is shaking as there is a higher chance of getting hit by falling debris or glass. It is better to stay indoors and find a safe spot to take cover.

4. Don’t Stand Near Windows

You must avoid standing near the windows during an earthquake, as glass can shatter and cause injuries. Stay in the middle of the room and seek cover under furniture if available.

5. Don’t Light Matches or Candles

You must also avoid using matches, lighters, or candles during an earthquake if you suspect gas leaks. Open flames can ignite flammable gases and cause explosions.


You can be well-prepared for an earthquake in Australia by looking at the Pantry List site that helps you create an emergency plan for such natural disasters.


Earthquakes are natural disasters where you need to be prepared and think quickly. It is important to know what to do and what not to do during seismic activity so that you can increase your chances of staying safe and minimising potential risks. By following the dos and don’ts for earthquake survival, you can protect yourself and those around you, turning a moment of crisis into an opportunity to prioritise safety and well-being. Remember, being informed and prepared is the first step toward earthquake resilience.

Flood Preparedness: How to Stay Above Water When Waters Rise

One of the worst natural disasters in Australia and across the world are floods. This devastating natural disaster affects millions of people worldwide each year and can occur due to heavy rainfall, snowmelt, storm surges, or the failure of dams and levees. Floodwaters can rise rapidly, submerging homes, roads, and entire communities, causing significant property damage, and posing serious threats to human life. It is important to be prepared for a flood to minimise its impact on individuals and communities. Read on below to know the essential flood preparedness measures that can help you stay above water when waters rise.

1. Create an Emergency Plan

The first step you must take in a flood is to prepare a well-thought-out emergency plan. Gather your family members or household and discuss the steps you must all take in case of a flood. Designate evacuation routes and meeting points in case you get separated. Ensure everyone knows how to shut off utilities such as gas, electricity, and water. You must also consider the needs of elderly family members, children, and pets when creating your plan.

2. Build an Emergency Kit

Next, you must build an emergency kit with essential supplies that can sustain your family for at least three days. You should include items such as non-perishable food, bottled water, first aid supplies, a flashlight, batteries, a battery-powered radio, hygiene items, important documents in waterproof containers, and a basic toolkit. Keep the emergency kit in an easily accessible and elevated location in your home.


You can get more information on how to build an emergency kit by looking at the Pantry List page.

3. Stay Informed

You must also stay informed about weather conditions and flood alerts in your area. Install weather apps or invest in a weather radio to receive real-time updates on any natural disaster. Listen to local authorities and follow evacuation orders promptly. Being aware of flood warnings and forecasts will give you valuable time to prepare and make informed decisions for your safety.

4. Secure Your Home

Next, you must take preventive measures to protect your home from flood damage. It is important to elevate electrical appliances, such as washers and dryers, to higher floors if possible. Install check valves in plumbing to prevent floodwaters from backing up into your home. Seal cracks in the foundation and basement walls to reduce the risk of water infiltration. If you live in a flood-prone area, consider elevating your entire house or building flood barriers around your property.

5. Evacuation Planning

If the national authorities in Queensland issue an evacuation order, take it seriously and act promptly. Gather your emergency kit, important documents, and essentials, and move to higher ground or a designated safe location. You must avoid walking or driving through flooded areas, as it takes only six inches of swiftly moving water to knock an adult off their feet.

6. Review Insurance Coverage

Lastly, you must ensure your home and belongings are adequately insured against any flood damage. Your standard homeowners’ insurance policies often do not cover flood-related losses. It is a good idea to purchase a separate flood insurance policy to provide financial protection in the event of flood damage.


It is important to be prepared for a flood by creating an emergency plan, building an emergency kit, staying informed, and taking preventive measures to stay above water when floods threaten your community. Remember to stay connected with local authorities, follow evacuation orders, and support one another during times of crisis. With careful preparation and community support, you can increase your resilience and safety during flood events.